Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Blenduk Church is one of Semarang tourists destination. It is a very very old churh in Semarang which now christians still use it for worship.
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This is my family. It consist of five persons. Mr Sutrisno is my father. He works an office. He goes to his office by his car. Mrs.Ningrum Sutrisno is my mother. She is a teacher. She is an English teacher of a junior high school. Ihave two brothers, Ivo and Levi. They study in Diponegoro University. Ivo studies in the industrial enginering and Levi in the economical departemant. I'm Ines, and I study at a Senior High School. We are a happy family.


Agnes is a beautiful young girl. Her body is slim her skin is white and she is a medium tall girl.her hair is short black and straight. with her round black eyes she looks very charming.
Agnes is a kind girl. Although she is rather talkative but she never hurt others, so she has many friends. Everyone like her because she is helpful.
Agnes' hobby is singing,dancing, and reading a book.
She always sing and dancing beautifully. Her favourite book is 'Totto Chan"
Who want to be Agnes' friends?


The successful English teacher is someone who:

1. has an accurate understanding of how the students learn.

2. has expertise in teaching English with relevance.

3. understand that language learning is a PROCESS not a contest.

4. is personally growing in English skill usage, learning, improving.

5. is up - to - date on tecnology allowing students to be immersed in diverse English media.


How students learn English?

theory: connecting what is already known to the new information. Then, using the new

information in a meaningful way.


There are many text types we have,i.e: descriptieve, procedure, report, narrative, recount, expanation, hortatory, discussion, etc.
There are only five text types are tought in junior high school, and some short functional texts are given to them. The text types are called genre. the genres are tought are: descriptive text and narrative one for the first year students, descriptive text and recount text are tought for the second year students, and procedure text and report text are tought for the third year students.
The text types are designed as interesting as the teacher can in order to make the students enjoy studying them and they can practise in their daily life.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Aku dilahirkan untuk dapat menerima apa adanya, tidak seperti orang lain yang serba berkelimpahan. Tapi aku bersyukur karena dengan demikian aku dapat mengerti apa arti hidup dan dapat merasakan cinta Tuhan padaku.
Sungguh, Tuhan cinta padaku, yang telah mengatur hidupku sedemikian indahnya diluar jangkauan pikiranku. Trima kasih Tuhan.