Saturday, October 3, 2009


tatapan mata itu
membuatku takut
jantungku berdebar
hatiku bergetar
da . . .
pintu lift pun t e r t u t u p

tatapan mata itu
selalu hadir dalam benakku
dalam hatiku
aku . . .
rindu . . .
tatapan mata itu

tatapan mata itu
kini didepanku
hatiku kembali bergetar
jantungku . . . berdebar
aku tak sanggup apa-apa.


Pendidikan Inklusif merupakan layanan pendidikan yang berupaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan, baik permanen maupun sementara, semua siswa sesuai dengan kondisi masing-masing siswa, yang melibatkan berbagai pihak. Jadi kata kunci yang bisa dipahami yaitu bahwa:
1. Layanan pendidikan untuk semua.
2. Pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan karakteristik dan kemampuan siswa.
3. Melibatkan berbagai pihak.
Layanan pendidikan inklusif dan ramah terhadap lingkungan seyogyanya dipandang sebagai:
1. Sebuah pendekatan terhadap peningkatan kualitas sekolah secara menyeluruh yang akan
menjamin bahwa strategi nasional untuk " pendidikan untuk semua " adalah benar-benar untuk
2. Sebuah cara untuk menjamin bahwa semua anak memperoleh pendidikan dan pemeliharaan
yang berkualitas didalam komunitas tempat tinggalnya sebagai bagian dari perkembangan diri
anak, program pra-sekolah, pendidikan dasar dan menengah, terutama mereka yang saat ini
masih belum diberi kesempatan untuk memperoleh pendidikan disekolah umum atau masih
rentan terhadap marginalisasi dan eksklusi.

3. Sebua kontribusi terhadap pengembangan masyarakat yang mengargai dan menghormati
perbedaan individu semua warga.

Perbedaan Integrasi dan Inklusi.
Integrasi : anak dimasukkan di sekolah reguler ( bersama anak normal lain.
Inklusi(f) : anak dimasukkan disekolah reguler tapi mendapat layanan yang sesuai dengan
karakteristik dan kebutuhan siswa.
Keuntungan pendidikan inklusif bagi guru yaitu guru dapat belajar tentang:
1. karakteristik siswa
2. metode / strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai bagi anak ( siswa )

Mengapa tutor sebaya lebih efektif daripada guru?
Karena kemungkinan anak takut dengan guru.
Maka belajar disesuaikan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari anak, dan anak bertanggungjawab atas pembelajarannya.

Pendidikan Inklusif sebagai alternatif dalam hal:
1. perluasan akses pemerataan
2. peningkatan mutu pendidikan.

Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah: apakah siswa sudah diberikan layanan sesuai dengan keadaan, karakteristik dan kemampuan siswa, terutama ABK ( anak berkebutuhan khusus / children with special needs), yaitu anak yang secara fisik / sensorik, intelektual, sosial, emosional, dan / atau kemampuan berkomunikasinya menyimpang dari kriteria secara normal yang dimaksud , menurut fakta berikut:
1. A : Tuna netra 6. F : Tuna wicara 11. K : Kesulitan belajar
2. B : Tuna rungu 7. G : Tuna ganda 12. L : Lambat belajar
3. C : Tuna grahita 8. H : HIV / AIDS 13. M : Autis
4. D : Tuna daksa 9. I : gifted 14. N : Korban penyalah ganaan narkoba
5. E : Tuna laras 10. J : talented 15. O : Indigo

gifted = superior dan genius
talented = berbakat - bakat khusus
indigo = dapat meramalkan hal-al yang akan terjadi disuatu saat dan kejadian-kejadian
tersebut dapat dianalisa.

KTSP seharusnya merupakan kurikulam yang menyesuaikan keadaan siswanya, bukan siswa yang menyesuaikan kurikulum. Guru seharusnya tahu kapan melaksanakan pembelajaran klasikal, kelompok, individual dsb. sesuai dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK).
'ABK' dapat dibedakan sebagai berikut:
1. Kelainan Intelektual:
a. tuna grahita ( intellectual disability)
b. lantip-berbakat ( gifted and talented)
2. Gangguan Sensoris:
a. tuna netra
b. tuna rungu
3. Gangguan fisik:
a. epilepsi
b. cerebral palsy
4. Gangguan komunikasi:
a. kesulitan belajar ( learning disability)
b. bicara dan bahasa
c. austik
5. Gangguan perilaku;
a. gangguan emosional
b. gangguan perilaku sosial
6. Kelainan jamak: tuna ganda
7. Gangguan penyakit kronis.

Mudah-mudahan tulisan ini berguna bagi guru, masyarakat, dan pendidikan pada umumnya.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

United Nation ( UN )

We live in a big, big world. There are so many different countries in this world. Many people live in these countries. In some ways, the people of different countries are different. Some people look different; black skin, brown one, yellow one and the white one. Some dress differently and some speak differently.
But people are alike in more ways than they are different.
All people need food. All people need homes. All people work.
All over the world . . . people like to dance and sing.
Most of the time, the nation of the world, like people in a big family, get along together. But sometimes, like people in a big family, they disagree. Sometimes when people in a family disagree, they get angry and fight.
Sometimes nations disagree and fight. When nation fight, it is called war.
War is sad, war is terrible.
The leaders of some nations decided to try to stop wars. They said, "Let's get together. Let's unite. Let's talk things over instead of fighting.
These nations united and became the UNITED NATIONS. The United Nations building is in New York.The flags of all the United Nations stand in front of the U.N. ( the letters U.N stand for United Nations).
Now, when nations in the U.N. disagree they talk things over instead of fighting.
The U.N. works in many ways to help the people of the world. Sometimes, the U.N. sends money and tools. Sometimes, they sends people to teach better ways of doing things. With this help, the people in these countries can build better roads, homes, and schools. They sends doctors and nurses to teach people how to keep healthy.
You can help the U.N. make hungry children happy, . . . you can do this. Send the money you collect to the U.N. to help the hungry children of the world.
The world is a family of nations, the U.N. is the home of this big family.

To check your understanding, answer these questions;
1. What is the United Nations?
2. What make people in the world different?
3. What things that make people in the world same?
4. Where is the building of United Nations?
5. What does the U.N. work?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Blenduk Church is one of Semarang tourists destination. It is a very very old churh in Semarang which now christians still use it for worship.
............................................................................................................. etc. etc


This is my family. It consist of five persons. Mr Sutrisno is my father. He works an office. He goes to his office by his car. Mrs.Ningrum Sutrisno is my mother. She is a teacher. She is an English teacher of a junior high school. Ihave two brothers, Ivo and Levi. They study in Diponegoro University. Ivo studies in the industrial enginering and Levi in the economical departemant. I'm Ines, and I study at a Senior High School. We are a happy family.


Agnes is a beautiful young girl. Her body is slim her skin is white and she is a medium tall girl.her hair is short black and straight. with her round black eyes she looks very charming.
Agnes is a kind girl. Although she is rather talkative but she never hurt others, so she has many friends. Everyone like her because she is helpful.
Agnes' hobby is singing,dancing, and reading a book.
She always sing and dancing beautifully. Her favourite book is 'Totto Chan"
Who want to be Agnes' friends?


The successful English teacher is someone who:

1. has an accurate understanding of how the students learn.

2. has expertise in teaching English with relevance.

3. understand that language learning is a PROCESS not a contest.

4. is personally growing in English skill usage, learning, improving.

5. is up - to - date on tecnology allowing students to be immersed in diverse English media.


How students learn English?

theory: connecting what is already known to the new information. Then, using the new

information in a meaningful way.