Thursday, October 1, 2009

United Nation ( UN )

We live in a big, big world. There are so many different countries in this world. Many people live in these countries. In some ways, the people of different countries are different. Some people look different; black skin, brown one, yellow one and the white one. Some dress differently and some speak differently.
But people are alike in more ways than they are different.
All people need food. All people need homes. All people work.
All over the world . . . people like to dance and sing.
Most of the time, the nation of the world, like people in a big family, get along together. But sometimes, like people in a big family, they disagree. Sometimes when people in a family disagree, they get angry and fight.
Sometimes nations disagree and fight. When nation fight, it is called war.
War is sad, war is terrible.
The leaders of some nations decided to try to stop wars. They said, "Let's get together. Let's unite. Let's talk things over instead of fighting.
These nations united and became the UNITED NATIONS. The United Nations building is in New York.The flags of all the United Nations stand in front of the U.N. ( the letters U.N stand for United Nations).
Now, when nations in the U.N. disagree they talk things over instead of fighting.
The U.N. works in many ways to help the people of the world. Sometimes, the U.N. sends money and tools. Sometimes, they sends people to teach better ways of doing things. With this help, the people in these countries can build better roads, homes, and schools. They sends doctors and nurses to teach people how to keep healthy.
You can help the U.N. make hungry children happy, . . . you can do this. Send the money you collect to the U.N. to help the hungry children of the world.
The world is a family of nations, the U.N. is the home of this big family.

To check your understanding, answer these questions;
1. What is the United Nations?
2. What make people in the world different?
3. What things that make people in the world same?
4. Where is the building of United Nations?
5. What does the U.N. work?

1 comment:

  1. 4.The United Nations building is in New York
    5.The U.N. works in many ways to help the people of the world.
